Madson. Good Morning.

Can I once again on behalf of myself and Alison thank you for the three days of guiding services you provided during our stay in Rio de Janeiro.

Obviously you made up for our lack of local knowledge not to mention our lack of Portuguese!

I will be recommending your services to family and friends who may visit Rio in the future.

Once again many thanks.

Nick Pentith


Hello Madson,
We would like to thank you for making our venture to Brazil a wonderful experience. Outside of your professionalism and much flexibility what we enjoyed most was your outgoing personality and ability to have fun. We very much felt welcome in a foreign country but more so had the opportunity to experience things we probably would have never done on our own. Perhaps some day we will be able to return the experience if you ever decide to come to Canada.
Best of Luck in the Future
Tracey Kornelson and Yvonne Stelzer


Salut Madson,

Ton site me semble très complet et attractif.

Je fais suivre ton mail au groupe, mais je n’ai que très peu de photos (et pas extraordinaires ) car mon appareil est tombé en panne dès le troisième jour.

Encore mille mercis pour nous avoir fait découvrir, avec une si grande disponibilité, ta grande passion et tes nombreuses connaissances socio-culturelles et historiques sur Rio et ses alentours.

Bonne chance et prends soin de toi,




I just want to thank you for the wonderful tour you took me and my husband on while we were in Rio. The tour was most definitely my favorite part of visiting Rio. You did an outstanding job, above and beyond what we asked for or expected. Your warm and friendly personality and expertise made the tour extra fun. I would highly recommend you to anyone visiting Rio. Thanks again for showing us the real Rio!


Robin Eilers

Tampa, Florida


bonjour madson,

encore un diplôme en poche, félicitations.
le site est bien présenté. il faut peut-être un peu compléter ou détailler les choses à voir, les spécialités locales, les activités,…

ci-joint quelques photos un peu différentes des classiques. Celle du magasin de cachaça n’est pas prise à rio mais c’est une spécialité du brésil, c’est pour celà que je l’ai mise. Mais pas de photo de Madson !!
Ce que j’avais apprécié chez vous, c’est que vous parliez aussi bien du passé de Rio que de la vie actuelle tout aussi interressante.

ici en belgique, le mois de juillet a été fort mouillé tandis que à l’est de l’europe il a fait trop chaud (45°c) .

je vous souhaite une bonne saison avec plein de petits touristes de tous pays.

nathalie le grelle

(du groupe des 5 belges de octobre/novembre 2006)


Bonjour cher Madson,
heureux d’avoir de vos nouvelles.
Je vous confirme que j’ai été particulièrement satisfait par vos services de guide francophone. Grâce à vous j’ai pu visiter les sites les plus célèbres de Rio de Janeiro (photo 2598) et même découvrir une favella sans le moindre danger (photo 2577).
Suivant vos conseils, je me suis inscrit pour un survol de la ville en deltaplane (photo 300240), ce qui fut pour moi une grande première et un moment d’intense émotion.
Donc encore un grand merci.


Philippe Molle
PAPEETE, Polynésie française.


Dear Madson,

Bob and I want to tell you how much we enjoyed meeting you and the fabulous city of Rio! We continue to talk about what an incredible few days we had – I hated to return home to New Jersey; where, by the way, we have already had several inches of snow!!!!!). Bob has watched himself hang-glide numerous times and shows the CD to anyone and everyone who will watch it! I have not spent my racetrack earnings yet!!!!

Our many thanks for all of your hard work and special touches – you really did a great job and we appreciate everything! Keep up the good work and let us hear from you – we look forward to showing you around NYC!

Happy Holidays and all the best to you!

Ginger and Bob



Hope this email finds you well. Found your email address through Google!

Just wanted to say thanks for a really interesting night out on Thursday. One to remember for us.
We will be telling all our friends.

Thanks again

Isabelle & Jon


Alo Madison, soy Diego…
Te envio las fotos asi las tenes como recuerdo de esos fantasticos dias
que pasamos con voce.
Una vez mas te agradesco tu generosidad y tus buenas elecciones para
mostrarlos ese lugar increible.
Vinz les manda a vos y a tu hermosa chica Denise muchos saludos y
estamos enormemente agradecidos.
Esperemos que podamos volver con mas tiempo!!!

saludos y un agrazo grande!!!


Hello Madson and Elisangela:

Maria and I arrived safely home yesterday, one day late because TAM Airlines delayed our flight from Salvador causing us to miss our flight home. But TAM then paid for our hotel, taxis and dinner in Sao Paulo, so we got to see that city as well. However, our guide was certainly not as good as either of you two (how could anyone be).

Maria and I very much enjoyed our short time together with each of you, and we are already thinking of returning because we enjoyed Brazil so much. We will keep you posted.

One bit of bad news however: we accidentally lost all of our travel photos of Brazil; so we wondering if there might be a way of you helping us to obtain some photos for our album. Maybe we could mail each of you a disposable camera so you could take photos on your next assignments and return them to us. Maybe you have other ideas. If you would be willing to do this, we can discuss the details later, so please let us know. We would GREATLY appreciate that.

We hope all is well, we miss both of you and we thank you in advance. Alok and Maria.


Cher Madson,

De retour à Paris, Mr HAMDANI et moi-même tenons à vous remercier pour votre gentillesse et assistance, grâce auxquelles notre séjour à Rio fut une totale réussite.

Nous espérons vous revoir dans un proche avenir, soit en Europe soit au Brésil. Entre-temps,nous vous souhaitons une excellente santé et tout le bonheur que vous méritez.




Hello Madson,

My name is Nick Valls and I got your email address from Chris Sand, a friend of mine who was in Rio at the end of June. I will be down there on August 3 and 4th and was wondering if you were free one of those days. I am not sure of my itinerary quite yet, but Chris had a great experience with you and asked that if I had the opportunity to take advantage of some of the places that you took him to. I will probably have at least one full day, and would like to go to Corcovado, Sugar Loaf and even hang-gliding if you can recommend a good, safe spot to go. Please let me know if you have any availability on those days and I look forward to possibly meeting up.

Thank you,



Bonsoir Madson

Nous voici donc de retour depuis 1 mois : le temps a passé très vite avec la reprise du travail . La situation est un peu + calme en ce moment : les microbes ne sont pas trop virulents et les patients bronzent au bord de la mer.

Nous tenions à vous remercier encore pour vos explications et votre accompagnement qui nous ont permis de découvrir votre pays. Nous gardons un excellent souvenir de notre voyage.

Nous n’avons pas encore trouvé la femme française qui pourrait être l’élue de votre coeur !!…

Nous vous adressons quelques photos de notre voyage mais vous connaissez par coeur les sites que nous avons visités.

Avec notre meilleu souvenir

Bernard Csery et Ghislaine Fontaine

Hi Madson,

Just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for an excellent tour
and a very enjoyable dinner/party-evening!
Both Shana and I enjoyed it very much!

When we finally got home, we got bumped and had to stay at the airport hotel
(Urrrkk), there was snow chaos here. And very very cold!
The snow is till here but you can feel spring is in the air. Finally.

Do you by any chance have Christians email? Would like to say Hi to him too.
He was a sweetheart:)
And so are you, of course!

If you ever have your way to this part of the world you are most welcome to
stay with us. We have told the family all about Madson and they would like
to meet you in person as well.

Until next time,

Lots of Hugs

Nina and Shana


Hey Madson this is Keith from Philadelphia. I just wanted to tell you thanks 
again for taking us tour and all over Rio last week and 
to the Samba show. I am telling everyone that I know that is going to Rio to 
give you a call. I just got back from Salvador and I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I’m coming back to both places in a couple of months.


Hola Madson!
Por si no te acuerdas, somos las 4 vascas de nombres raros que hicimos el
Day Tour el viernes (Oi, de Oihana, Ai, de Ainhoa, Sai, de Saioa, Zu, de
Zurine). Agradecerte el que nos enseñaras la noche de Rio. Una experiencia
inolvidable y divertida.
Si algún día te animas a conocer el País Vasco, no dudes en enviarnos un
e-mail. Gustosamente te enseñamos lo precioso que es nuestro entorno.
Espero que sigas teniendo éxito con el tour y demás.
Mucha suerte.
Un abrazo,

ZU (Zurine)


Ciao Madson,

come stai?

Sono Elena….. Elena e Valentina, ti ricordi vero di noi?

Ho scelto di scriverti questa mail in italiano, spero ti vada bene anche se so che preferisci l’inglese, o sbaglio? Non ho la mente troppo lucida oggi e non voglio scriverti sciocchezze.. se ci sarà una prossima magari ti semplifico le cose con l’inglese.

Siam tornate alla vita normale ma con Rio de Janeiro nel cuore.. pensare a Rio mi fa pensare a te, alle belle sensazioni che ci hai fatto provare, alla bella e vera vita brasiliana che abbiamo conosciuto insieme a te….. a quella stupenda serata di festeggiamenti… e al triste saluto quando ci sei venute a trovare in hotel…

ed ecco un altra lacrima che mi scende…

Spero sia tornato il sole li a Rio.. mi manca, mi manca da morire… pensando anche che qua fa decisamente più freddo.. e fra un paio di giorni prevedono un calo della temperatura.

Guardo le foto fatte nella FAVELA a quei bambini stupendi e vorrei essere di nuovo li a ridere e giocare con loro.. che emozione che ho provato.. la cosa brutta è non riuscire a spiegare a parole quello che ho, abbiamo vissuto.

Ora sono al lavoro, finisco alle 18, e sono tanto stufa e stanca, l’unica consolazione che fino a lunedì non se ne parla più.. solo divertimento..

Vabbè ora ti saluto,

Un caloroso abbraccio


